Dance With Me creates and diffuses innovative educational programs based on art aiming at promoting dialogue, developing the creative abilities inherent in each and every individual and encouraging the sense of belonging and desire to contribute to the community.
Based in Geneva, today we are promoting the program Dancing Communities in health institutions, businesses and community centers as a means of social cohesion.

Businesses and Organizations
Our program “Shall we dance?” Dancing Communities builds trust and dialogue within teams and between hierarchies. It encourages employee motivation, resolves conflicts and stimulates productivity and innovation.

Health and Integration
Within institutions as well as outside the institutional framework, Dancing Communities encourages confidence, strengthens social skills and stimulates the sense of belonging to the community.

General public
For those who want to experience ballroom dancing and meeting friends and neighbors in a joyful and welcoming atmosphere, the Dancing Communities program is based on a playful approach and it is accessible to all.
Our partners
They are irreplacable actors in the realisation of our programs